
DSSE 2024 Recap

Visionect, 6 Jun 2024

This May, 2024, our very own Magdalena Bogatinovska attended the Digital Signage Summit Europe: “Europe’s leading conference for the Digital Signage and DooH industry.” The conference consisted of two days of presentations, panels, exhibitions, and networking events. The agenda was immersive and jam-packed: like attending Comicon, but for digital signage gurus.

Invidis, the organizer of DSSE, described the event as a two-day retreat, and so it was. It didn’t take long for Magdalena to feel welcome in the friendly and open environment among more than 450 registrants. The conference was a fantastic opportunity to make new connections and share high-level knowledge.

E-Paper at DSSE

While most of the attendees at DSSE represented LED and LCD manufacturers and CMS providers, e-paper displays were well-represented with a Visionect 32” Place & Play display in the conference’s “Green Signage Hall of Fame.”

Considering e-paper is the most sustainable digital display technology on the market, the device garnered some attention via the QR code displayed on the screen, encouraging passersby to learn more about what makes our displays so sustainable.

Place&Play 32" display showing information about Visionect's new CMS.

DSSE Conference Key Takeaways

For a quick recap: the conference panels and presentations focused on current trends and upcoming predictions for the digital display market. Some key takeaways from the event include:

  • LED is growing more popular and is expected to overtake LCD markets
  • Sales from digital display software, including CMS platforms, will overtake hardware sales for the first time
  • There’s more of a focus on the overall customer experience and signage as a service

And then, of course, there was the buzzword that’s circulating within many industries worldwide: artificial intelligence. The topic was truly inspiring, leaving Magdalena with food for thought regarding new ways AI can support Visionect customers.

Sustainability in the Spotlight

Sustainability is considered a “legacy” issue for digital signage. Therefore, it was no surprise for Magdalena to see a Visionect digital signage display in the venue’s Green Hall of Fame, considering our displays run off of 99% less power than typical LEDs.

“Green signage is not about reporting your progress, it is about transforming your business towards more sustainability.”

— Invidis impact expert Daniel Oelker at DSSE

The Central Role of Software with Digital Signage

While sustainability is incredibly important, software has become a defining factor for how effective a digital signage display is. Content management systems (CMS) and other digital signage software solutions have become central to effectively managing digital signage.

We at Visionect anticipated this curve in the industry and released our own portfolio of CMS subscriptions. Our comprehensive cloud-based solution simplifies content creation, management, and publishing for digital signage, enabling real-time synchronization and effortless design with versatile tools.

Security for Digital Displays

Today’s software solutions are primarily hosted in the cloud. But, with cloud solutions come security concerns including data breaches, unauthorized access, and vulnerabilities in cloud service providers’ systems. IT security challenges were a hot topic at DSSE and addressed by many leading experts discussing best practices, emerging threats, and innovative solutions to protect cloud-hosted digital signage systems.

Anticipating this need for high-level security, Visionect’s most popular CMS plan offers robust security with trusted tier-1 server protection, safeguarding your content, data, and systems against potential threats.

Women in Technology

2024 was a great year for Magdalena to attend her first DSSE conference. For the first time, DSSE hosted a networking event for women in the industry: “Women in Technology Networking: Creating a Space for Women’s Perspectives in Technology Transformation.”

This event offered opportunities for women to exchange ideas with committed executives from the digital signage industry. Magdalena particularly enjoyed hearing stories from high-positioned women in the industry, including Johanny Payero (Lenovo), Kamilla Wysocki (LANG AG), Angela Szegedi (Google), Sarah Joyce (AVIXA), and Alexey Kostadinov (Intel Corporation). 

One main topic among these women was the importance of workplace diversity in the technology sector and how unconscious bias can influence AI programming.

Wrapping up DSSE 2024

Attending DSSE 2024 was an invaluable experience, providing Magdalena with insights into the latest trends, innovations, and industry shifts in digital signage. The conference highlighted the growing importance of sustainable and secure digital display solutions and reinforced Visionect’s commitment to leading the way with our advanced e-paper technology and robust CMS offerings.

What Magdalena learned at the conference underscored Visionect’s commitment to anticipating users’ needs, both present and future. Our team continues to plan and innovate, delivering powerful features before our users even know they need them.

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